Trends and Best Practices in Open Science

Knowledge should be shared at all stages of the research and innovation lifecycle and across the different disciplines, which makes it of particular importance to integrate open science practices as an elementary component from the beginning of each project.

The FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) will become the basis for research work. Several measures and methods need to be implemented in research and innovation projects to foster dissemination, communication and exploitation of research outputs.

We are a team of scientists and media experts. Our goal is to create a platform to make open science easier and exchange knowledge about the latest trends and best practices in the field of open science, and we are therefore looking for exciting projects, initiatives and groups committed to open science.

Latest Open Science articles

Scientific progress is not just about breakthroughs in labs or successful social sciences projects; it is also about fostering trust in those results and discoveries. VERITY is a Horizon Europe project dedicated to studying trust in science dri

In the world of academic research, the dissemination of knowledge and collaboration among scholars are fundamental drivers of progress.

When we consider research, our minds often gravitate towards conventional research publications, and it's undeniable that there are countless accredited research articles spanning every conceivable field of study worldwide.

FEAST (Food systems that support transitions to hEalthy And Sustainable dieTs), a 5-year Horizon Europe project, aims to transform European food systems from the current 'Lose-Lose-Lose-Win' model, benefiting only big food corporations at the expense of the environment, health, and public sector,

In continuation to our previous blog on open access research platforms offered by non-profit organizations, this blog is dedicated to those open access research platforms that are owned and managed by the for-profit organizations like Google and Clarivate Analytics, among others.

As humans, we thrive to make our lives easy and with Google in place, we are half-way through finding solutions to almost all our hardships. However, finding millions of solutions on the internet is not always a blessing. Sorting the results that best serve the problem is a tedious task.